Chun-Yen Lin

Chun-Yen Lin

Appointments: Professor; Visiting Attending Chief of department of hepatology

Lab: Liver Research Center, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Linkou Center

Education Ph.D.; M.D.

School/Nation: Oxford University/U.K.; Taipei Medical University/Taiwan

Tel:886-3-3281200 ext 8107


Research website:

Members PostDoc: one

PhD student: 2

Master Student 3

Research Assistant: 7

College Student: 2


Research Direction
In our lab, we are focusing on the immune regulation, including regulatory T cells, tolerogenic dendritic cells; tumor-associated macrophage and MDSC. Our aim is to connect the basic study, translational study and clinical study. The main research fields are listed below:

  1. Immune mechanisms of immune regulation: using animal model to understand the suppression mechanisms of different regulatory immune cells, including regulatory T cells, tolerogenic dendritic cells; tumor-associated macrophage and MDSC
  2. Immune regulation in tumor immunotherapy: using both animal model and human studies to develop strategies of tumor immunotherapy, especially to block the inhibition effect of immune regulation.
  3. Immune Regulation in viral hepatitis and acute liver failure: using both animal model and human studies to understand the impact of immune regulation on the disease progression. The aim is to develop effective immune therapy and to develop useful immunometer for predict the disease progression. 

Publications:(*: correspondent author)


  1. Chang LY, Lin YC, Chiang JM, Mahalingam J, Su SH, Huang CT, Chen WT, Huang CH, Jeng WJ, Chen YC, Lin SM, Sheen IS, Lin CY*. Blockade of TNF-α signaling benefits cancer therapy by suppressing effector regulatory T cell expansion. Oncoimmunology (Accepted) (corresponding author)
  2. Wu TS, Wang LC, Liu SC, Hsu TY, Lin CY, Feng GJ, Chen JM, Liu HP, Chung IC, Yen TC, Chang YS, Liao SK, Chang C, Chow KP*. EBV oncogene N-LMP1 induces CD4 T-cell-mediated angiogenic blockade in the murine tumor model. J. Immunol. (Accepted)
  3. Chen PY, Hsieh HY, Huang CY, Lin CY, Wei KC, Liu HL*. Focused ultrasound-induced blood–brain barrier opening to enhance interleukin-12 delivery for brain tumor immunotherapy: a preclinical feasibility study. J Transl Med. (on-line published).
  4. Su YH, Ng KF, Yu MC, Wu TJ, Yeh TS, Lee WC, Lin YS, Hsieh TH, Lin CY, Yeh CT, Chen TC*. Impact of Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor Protein and Gene Alteration on Taiwanese Hepatocellular Carcinoma. J Gastroenterol Hepatol. (on-line published)
  5. Teng W, Chang TC, Huang CH, Jeng WJ, Chen WT, Huang CW, Ho YP, Lin CY*, Sheen IS. IL28B polymorphism and early anemia predict the early null response in genotype-1 chronic hepatitis C with dual therapy. Advances in Digestive Medicine. (Accepted) (corresponding author)
  6. Feng Y, Chen CL, Chen TH, Liang YH, Chen HL, Lin CY, Chiu CH*. Application of next-generation sequencing to study ascitic microbiome in cirrhotic patients with or without spontaneous bacterial peritonitis. J Microbiol Immunol Infect. 2014 (on-line published)
  7. Huang CH, Jeng WJ, Ho YP, Teng W, Chen WT, Chen YC, Lin SM, Chiu CT, Sheen IS, Lin CY*. Increased regulatory T cells in patients with liver cirrhosis correlated with hyperbilirubinemia and predict bacterial complications. J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2015 (30) 775–783. (corresponding author)
  8. Dutta A, Huang CT*, Chen TC, Lin CY, Chiu CH, Lin YC, Chang CS, and He YC. IL-10 inhibits neuraminidase activated-TGF-β and facilitates Th1 phenotype during early phase of infection. Nature Communication 2015; 6:6374
  9. Teng W, Jeng WJ, Lin CC, Chen WT, Sheen IS, Lin CY, Lin SM*. Insufficient ablative margin determined by early computed tomography may predict the recurrence of hepatocellular carcinoma after radiofrequency ablation. Liver Cancer 2015;4:26–38.
  10. Lin WR, Yen TH, Lim SN, Perng MD, Lin CY, Su MY, Yeh CT, Chiu CT. Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor Reduces Fibrosis in a Mouse Model of Chronic Pancreatitis. PLoS ONE. 2014:e116229.
  11. Teng W, Chen WT, Ho YP, Jeng WJ*, Huang CH, Chen YC, Lin SM, Chiu CT, Lin CY*, Sheen IS. Predictors of mortality within six weeks after histoacryl injection treatment for gastric variceal bleeding in cirrhotic patients. Medicine 2014; 93(29):e321. (corresponding author)
  12. Jeng WJ, Lin CC, Chen WT, Sheen IS, Lin CY, Lin SM*. Adjuvant therapy for hepatocellular carcinoma after curative treatment. Digestive disease 2014; 32(6):747-54.
  13. Mahalingam J, Lin CY, Chiang JM, Su PJ, Chu YY, Lai HY, Fang JH, Huang CT, Lin YC*. CD4+ T cells expressing latency-associated peptide and Foxp3 are an activated subgroup of regulatory T cells enriched in patients with colorectal cancer. PLoS ONE. 2014:e108554.
  14. Liao MF, Yen SC, Lin CY, Lu RK*. Delayed Liver Function Impairment Secondary to Interferon β-1a Use in Multiple Sclerosis. Case Rep Neurol. 2013; 5(2):130-4.
  15. Lin CY*, Sheen IS, Chen JY, Huang CW, Huang CH, Jeng WJ, Chen WT. Various Predictors on Sustained Virologic Response in Different Age Groups of Patients with Genotype-1 Chronic Hepatitis C. J. Clin Gastroenterol. 2013; 47: 794–799. (corresponding author) .
  16. Dutta A, Miaw SC, Yu JS, Chen TC, Lin CY, Lin YC, Chang CS, He YC, Chuang SH, Yen MI, Huang CT*. Altered T-bet Dominance in IFN- Decoupled CD4+ T Cells with Attenuated Cytokine Storm and Preserved Memory in Influenza. J. Immunol: 2013; 190(8):4205-14.
  17. Lin CY*, Sheen IS, Jeng WJ, Huang CW, Huang CH, Chen JY. Patients younger than forty years old with hepatitis C virus genotype-1 chronic infection had treatment responses similar to genotype-2 infection and not related to interleukin-28B polymorphism. Annals Hepatol. 2013; 12(1):62-9 (corresponding author)
  18. Lin YC, Mahalingam J, Chiang JM, Su PJ, Chu YY, Lai HY, Fang JH, Huang CT, Chiu CT, Lin CY*. Activated but not resting regulatory T cells accumulated in tumor microenvironment and correlated with tumor progression in patients with colorectal cancer. Int. J. Cancer; 2013; 132(6):1341-50 (corresponding author)
  19. Hu CC, Lin CL, Kuo YL, Chien CH, Chen SW, Yen CL, Lin CY, Chien RN*. Efficacy and safety of ribavirin plus pegylated interferon alfa in geriatric patients with chronic hepatitis C. Aliment Pharmacol Ther. 2013; 37 (1): 81-90.
  20. Wallace C, Yen CH, Yang HC, Lin CY, Wu RC, Huang WC, Lin JY, Wei FC*. Vascularized composite allograft rejection is delayed by intrajejunal treatment with donor splenocytes without concomitant immunosuppressants. Clin Dev Immunol. 2012;2012:704063.
  21. Jeng WJ, Lin CY, Chen JY, Huang CH, Huang CW, Sheen IS*. None of the Six SNPs of IL28B Could Predict Treatment Responses in Genotype 2 Chronic HCV Infected Patients by Propensity Score Matching Analysis. PLoS ONE. 2012; 7(11):e48217.
  22. Liu HL, Hsieh HY, Lu LA, Kang CW, Wu MF, Lin CY*. Low-Pressure Pulsed Focused Ultrasound with Microbubbles Promotes an Anticancer Immunological Response. Journal of Translational Medicine. 2012: 10(1): 221
  23. Mahalingam J, Lin YC, Chiang JM, Su PJ, Chu YY, Lai HY, Fang JH, Huang CT, Chiu CT, Lin CY*. LAP+CD4+ T cells are suppressors accumulated in the tumor sites and associated with the progression of colorectal cancer. Clinical Cancer Research. 2012:18(19); 1–10 (corresponding author)
  24. Cheng JC, Yeh YJ, Huang YH, Liang KH, Chang ML, Lin CY, Yeh CT*. Hepatic expression of MxA and OAS1 in an ex vivo liver slice assay independently predicts treatment outcomes in chronic hepatitis C. J Viral Hepat 2012;19(2):e154-e62.
  25. Chang LY, Lin YC, Kan CW, Hsu CY, Chu YY, Huang CT, Day YJ, Chen TC, Yeh CT, Lin CY*. The indispensable role of CCR5 for in vivo suppressor function of CD103+ effector/memory regulatory T cells. J. Immunol; 2012; 189(2): 567-74 (corresponding author)
  26. Chang LY, Lin YC, Mahalingam J, Huang CT, Chen TW, Kang CW, Peng WM, Chu YY, Chiang JM, Dutta A, Day YJ, Chen TC, Yeh CT, Lin CY*.  Tumor-derived chemokine CCL5 enhances TGF-β mediated killing of CD8+ T cells in colon cancer by T regulatory cells. Cancer Research. 2012; 72: 1092-1102. (corresponding author)
  27. Chen CC, Lin WC, Kong MS, Shi HN, Walker WA, Lin CY, Huang CT, Lin YC, Jung SM, Lin TZ*. Oral inoculation of probiotics Lactobacillus acidophilus NCFM suppresses tumor growth both in segmental orthotopic colon cancer and extraintestinal tissue.  British Journal of Nutrition 2012;107(11):1623-34.
  28. Hu CC, Weng CH, Lin CL, Tien HC, Kuo YL, Chien CH, Yen CL, Lin CY, Chien RN*. Predictors of Changes in Hemoglobin Levels in Patients with Chronic Hepatitis C Treated with Ribavirin Plus Pegylated Interferon-α. Ren Fail 2012; 34(4):429-34.
  29. Chen TY, Hwang TL, Lin CY, Lin TN, Lai HY, Tsai WP, Lin HH*. EMR2 Receptor Ligation Modulates Cytokine Secretion Profiles and Cell Survival of Lipopolysaccharide-treated Neutrophils. Chang Gung Med J. 2011; 34: 468-77
  30. Huang CH, Lin CY, Sheen IS, Chiu CT, Ho YP*.  A Comparison of Child-Turcotte-Pugh Classification with Four Models of End-Stage Liver-Based Prognostic System For Spontaneous Bacterial Peritonitis in Cirrhosis. Chinese Journal of Gastroenterology. 2011; 28: 15-23.
  31. Lin CY, Chen JY, Lin TN, Jeng WJ, Huang CH, Huang CW, Chang SW, Sheen IS*. IL28B SNP rs12979860 Is a Critical Predictor for On-Treatment and Sustained Virologic Response in Patients with Hepatitis C Virus Genotype-1 Infection. PLoS ONE; 2011; 6(3): e18322.
  32. Chen JY, Lin CY, Wang CM, Lin YT, Kuo SN, Shiu CF, Chang SW, Wu J, Sheen IS*. IL28B genetic variations are associated with Sustained virological response of Interferon-α plus Ribavirin therapy in Taiwanese chronic HCV infection. Genes and Immunity. 2011;12(4):300-9.
  33. Chen WT, Lin CY, Sheen IS, Huang CW, Lin TN, Lin CJ, Jeng WJ, Huang CH, Ho YP*, Chiu CT. MELD score is an Easy and Powerful Predictor for Early Mortality in Patients with Re-bleeding after Endoscopic Band Ligation for Variceal Bleeding. World Journal of Gastroenterology; 2011; 17(16): 2120-2125.
  34. Huang CH, Lin CY, Sheen IS, Chen WT, Lin TN, Ho YP, Chiu CT. Recurrence of SBP in Cirrhotic Patients Non-prophylactically Treated with Norfloxacin: Serum Albumin as an Easy but Reliable Predictive Factor. Liver International. 2011; 31(2):184-91.
  35. Ho YP, Chiu CT, Sheen IS, Tseng SC, Lai PC, Ho SY, Chen WT, Lin TN, Lin CY*. Tumor Necrosis Factor-α and Interleukin-10 Contribute to Immunoparalysis in Patients with Acute Pancreatitis. Hum Immunol 2011; 72(1):18-23. (corresponding author)
  36. Yeh CT*, So M, Ng J, Yang HW, Chang ML, Lai MW, Chen TC, Lin CY, Yeh TS, Lee WC. Hepatitis B virus-DNA level and basal core promoter A1762T/G1764A mutation in liver tissue independently predict postoperative survival in hepatocellular carcinoma. Hepatology 2010;52(6):1922-33.
  37. Ulusal BG, Ulusal AE, Wei FC*, Lin CY. Allograft Mass as a Possible Contributing Factor to the Skin Transplant Outcome. J Surg Res 2010, 161:321-327.
  38. Yeh CT*, Kuo CJ, Lai MW, Chen TC, Lin CY, Yeh TS, Lee WC. CD133-positive hepatocellular carcinoma in an area endemic for hepatitis B virus infection. BMC Cancer; 2009; 9:324.
  39. Chang CJ, Hsu LA, Ko YH, Chen PL, Chuang YT, Lin CY, Liao CH, Pang JH*. Thrombin regulates matrix metalloproteinase-9 expression in human monocytes. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2009; 385:241-6.
  40. Lin YC, Chang LY, Huang CT, Peng HM, Chen TC, Yeh CT, Lin CY*. Effector/memory regulatory T cells lead to the loss of concomitant tumor immunity. J. Immunol 2009;182 (10):6095-104. (corresponding author)
  41. Lai MW, Huang SF, Lin SM, Chen TC, Lin CY, Yeh CN, Yeh TS, Chen MF, Yeh CT*. Expression of the HCRP1 mRNA in HCC as an independent predictor of disease-free survival after surgical resection. Hepatology Research, 2009;39(2):164-76.
  42. Yeh CT*, Tang JH, Hsu CW, Chen, Y. C. Chang, M. L, Lin CY. Expression of hepatitis B virus nuclear core antigen in young cirrhotic patients is associated with an unfavourable long-term outcome. J Viral Hepat 2008;15(11):839-48.
  43. Lin WR, Lin DY*, Tai DI, Hsieh SY, Lin CY, Sheen IS, Chiu CT. Prevalence of and risk factors for gallbladder polyps detected by ultrasonography among healthy Chinese: Analysis of 34 669 cases. J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2008;23(6):965-9.
  44. Tsai IF, Lin CY*, Huang CT, Lin CY, Yang CM, Lin YC, Liao CH. Modulation of human monocyte-derived dendritic cells maturation by a soluble guanylate cyclase activator, YC-1, in a cyclic nucleotide independent manner. International Immunopharmacology 2007; 7(10):1299-310. (corresponding author)
  45. Lin CY, Tsai IF, Ho YP, Huang CT, Lin CY, Lin CJ, Tseng SC, Lin WP, Chen WT, Sheen IS*. Endotoxemia Contributes to the Immune Paralysis in Patients with Liver Cirrhosis. J Hepatol. 2007;46(5)816-826.
  46. Lin CY, Tsai MC, Huang CT, Hsu CW, Tseng SC, Tsai IF, Chen YC, Yeh CT, Sheen IS, Chien RN*. Liver injury is associated with enhanced regulatory T-cell activity in patients with chronic hepatitis B. J Viral Hepat 2007; 14(7):503-11.
  47. Chang GW, Davies JQ, Stacey M, Yona S, Bowdish D, Hamann J, Chen TC, Lin CY, Gordon S, Lin HH*. CD312, the human adhesion-GPCR EMR2, is differentially expressed during differentiation, maturation, and activation of myeloid cells. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2007;353(1):133-8.
  48. Ho YP, Sheen IS, Chiu CT, Wu CS, Lin CY*. A strong association between down-regulation of HLA-DR expression and the late mortality in patients with severe acute pancreartitis. Am J Gastroenterol; 2006; 101(5): 1117-24. (corresponding author)
  49. Chien RN, Lin CY, Yeh CT, Liaw YF*. Hepatitis B virus genotype B is associated with better response to thymosin alpha1 therapy than genotype C. J Viral Hepat. 2006; 13(12):845-50.
  50. Graca L, Le Moine A, Lin CY, Fairchild PJ, Cobbold SP, Waldmann H*. Donor-specific transplantation tolerance: the paradoxical behavior of CD4+CD25+ T cells. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2004; 101(27):10122-6.
  51. Cobbold SP, Graca L, Lin CY, Adams E, Waldmann H*. Regulatory T cells in the induction and maintenance of peripheral transplantation tolerance. Transplant International 2003;16 (2):66-75.
  52. Lin CY, Graca L, Cobbold SP, Waldmann H*. Dominant transplantation tolerance impairs CD8+T cell function but not expansion. Nature Immunology 2002; 3(12): 1208-1213. (IF: 26.199; Immunology: 3/135)
  53. Graca, L., Thompson, S., Lin CY, Adams, E, Cobbold SP, Waldmann H*. Both CD4+CD25+ and CD4+CD25- regulatory cells mediate dominant transplantation tolerance. J. Immunol. 2002; 168(11): 5558-5565.
  54. Tone M, Tone Y, Babik JM, Lin CY, Waldmann H*. The Role of Sp1 and NF-kB in Regulating CD40 Gene Expression. J Biol Chem. 2002; 277(11): 8890-7.
  55. Lin CY, Graca L., Cobbold S., Waldmann H. Approaching tolerance in transplantation. TransplantLinc. 2002; 4 (2), pp. 21-30
  56. Zelenika D, Adams E, Humm S, Lin CY, Waldmann H*, Cobbold SP. The role of CD4+ T-cell subsets in determining transplantation rejection or tolerance. Immunol Rev 2001;182: 164-79.
  57. Wu CH, Chen FH, Lee CS, Lin CY, Chen PC, Wu CS*. Factors affecting detection of bleeding lesion in the stomach by the initial emergency endoscopy. Chang Gung Medical Journal. 1997:20(2); 79-85.
  58. Lin CY, Lee CS, Lin DY, Hong CF, Wu CS*. Emphysematous Gastritis Secondary to Acute Gastric Dilatation. J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 1995: 10; 612-614.
  59. Wu CS*, Lin CY, Liaw YF. The Role of Helicobactor in the Cirrhotic Patients with Peptic Ulcer. Gastrointestinal Endoscopy 1995:42: 420.
  60. Lin CY, Chien RN*, Lin PY, Chien PC, Wu CS. Early Gastric Cancer: A Clinicopathological Study. Chang Gung Medical Journal. 1994: 11: 102-106.
  61. Lin CY, Chien RN*, Lin PY, Liaw YF. Hepatic Adenoma: A Case report and Review of Literature. Chinese Journal of Gastroenterology. 1994: 11: 28